Ive been cooking a lot lately, due to completing assignments and cramming for exams - cooking serves as both an excellent study break and a wonderful procrastination pastime - so a good feed is always appreciated, especially by hungry students like me!!
This turned out surprisingly well. Potato on pizza is always a favourite of mine, and using rosemary infused olive oil to drizzle on the base gives a wonderful aroma to the crunchy crust.

1 thin pizza base
1 1/2 tbs tomato paste (or a handful of sundried tomatoes chopped and blended till smooth)
1 tbs pesto
3 cloves organic garlic, sliced finely
1/2 a leek - cut in half again and then thinly sectioned
2 small potatoes, sliced finely
about 8 mushrooms - more mature the better - sliced
4 small sprigs of rosemary
200g mozarella cheese, freshly grated
rosemary infused olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Evenly sprinkle rosemary oil on one side of the pizza base, place down on the pizza tray.
Spread other side with tomato paste and pesto.
Use a mandolin slicer to slice the garlic and distribute evenly over the base.
Use a mandolin slicer to slice the potatoes and layer over the whole base - usually ending up 2 layers thick. Pull leaves from rosemary and sprinkle on the potatoes.
Put the leeks on top of the potatoes, and the mushrooms on top of the leeks. Drizzle with more rosemary infused olive oil and add salt to taste.
Add mozarella cheese, making sure to cover all the potatoes.
Cook in a 200 degree oven for approximately 20 minutes or until cheese is just starting to brown. Let cool for 5 minutes before cutting and serving.
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